Special Services

The Gift Shop

Mill House Gifts is located in the main lobby of Russell Medical. The Gift Shop offers a wide range of items and is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m..

For The Hearing Impaired

Russell Medical provides the TDD for hearing impaired patients. Please contact the Patient Representative for this service. Phones in patient rooms are equipped or can be equipped with listening devices for the hearing impaired.

Handsets with volume control are also available through the Patient Representative during regular working hours. After hours ask your nurse to contact the supervisor. Phones with large numbers are available for visually impaired patients.

Notary Public

The services of a notary public are available during normal business hours. Your Patient Representative can arrange this service for you.

Private Sitters

Private Sitters provide care to patients who are at home, in a hospital, or nursing home. They offer skilled and custodial care seven days a week. Your nursing staff can give you information about private sitters, or you can ask Social Services or the Case Manager for a list of private sitters. Financial arrangements for private sitters are the patient’s responsibility.

Cots/Sleep Chairs

Contact the nurse or Patient Representative to arrange for the use of a sleep chair. There are a limited number of sleep chairs to be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.
